Discerning The Time

Discerning The Time! 🕰

What a powerful message this past Sunday! There is purpose in what God is doing in our lives. Let us be reminded that we must understand our call to be able to discern the time and season we are in.

Be God Conscious! Do you know what time it is?

✨Luke 12:54-56 ; Luke 19:41-44

✨Acts 17:26-27

✨Ecclesiastes 3:1-8

✨Romans 8:19

✨I Chronicles 16:11 ; 22:18 ; 12:32

✨John 16:33

At The Altar/Our Meeting Place

The Altar: Our Meeting Place!

Here’s 10 things that take place at the Altar…

1. Salvation

2. Covenants Made

3. Identity Change

4. Consecrations

5. Ordination

6. Dedication

7. Declaration

8. Sanctification

9. Praise & Worship

10. Refuge

At the feet of Jesus, the cross, our altar… we come to be made new and made clean! True encounter is at the alter! Honor Him there! & ask yourself today, what are you presenting at the meeting place?

✨Exodus 29:37 & 29:42-44

✨Romans 12:1-2 & 14:11

✨I Kings 18 & 30

✨Isaiah 45:23

✨Ephesians 2:15

Wounded For Me

Wounded For Me!

We were blessed to have Doctor and Pastor Stanley Mathurin preach such a timely and powerful message!

“You are on the devils hit list, either he attacks your finances, relationships, physical body… always remind yourself that HE was wounded for me!” - P. Stanley

✨Isaiah 53:1-6

✨Acts 17:25

✨Proverbs 23:18 ; 8:35&44 ; 84:11-12

✨Jeremiah 31:17

✨Romans 5:5

✨James 1:16

✨Numbers 23:8&20

✨John 10:10 ; 14:30 ; 8:44

✨Peter 5:8

✨II Corinthians 4:4

✨Ephesians 2:2

✨Psalms 16:11

Like Father, Like Son

This past Sunday we celebrated Father’s Day, celebrating the Father’s of the Kingdom and Our Heavenly Father!

This message helps to remind us that we are all sons & daughters of God. There is power in the name of Jesus so let us Represent Him as followed of Christ. His business, His work is ours.

✨John 5:16-23 & 6:29

✨Acts 4:12

✨Romans 10:13 & 14:11

✨Isaiah 45:23

✨Ephesians 2:15

✨Psalm 23

Hand to the Plow

Happy Shavuot, Feast of Weeks & First Fruits Church!!

This message reminded us to check our heart and walk with Jesus. Putting our hand to the plow is a work and if we are following Him wholeheartedly then there would be no way we can look back. It is time to do what is required, make an effort and be about Our Fathers business!!

Where is your heart right now? Let us pray for a standard of excellence that can only be sustained by Him!

✨Luke 9:62

✨Hebrews 3:10 & 12:2

✨I Kings 19:19-21

✨Matthew 24:13