At The Altar/Our Meeting Place

The Altar: Our Meeting Place!

Here’s 10 things that take place at the Altar…

1. Salvation

2. Covenants Made

3. Identity Change

4. Consecrations

5. Ordination

6. Dedication

7. Declaration

8. Sanctification

9. Praise & Worship

10. Refuge

At the feet of Jesus, the cross, our altar… we come to be made new and made clean! True encounter is at the alter! Honor Him there! & ask yourself today, what are you presenting at the meeting place?

✨Exodus 29:37 & 29:42-44

✨Romans 12:1-2 & 14:11

✨I Kings 18 & 30

✨Isaiah 45:23

✨Ephesians 2:15