Sanctified in Thy Truth: SET APART

Blessings, beloved congregation of Laborers' 4 Christ Church. We hope this message finds you well and nourishes your spiritual journey.

This reflection centers on the sermon titled "Sanctified in Thy Truth / SET APART". This sermon invites us to understand the crucial role of sanctification in our Christian journey and encourages us to fully embrace the call to be set apart.

The heart of our spiritual life lies in understanding God as our provider, the one who orders our steps and guides us. This affirmation acknowledges God's omnipotence and reaffirms His ability to sustain us in every circumstance.

The core message of the sermon revolves around John 17:15-17. This scripture highlights Jesus's prayer to the Father on behalf of his disciples, and by extension, us. In the passage, Jesus asks not for his followers to be taken out of the world, but to be protected from the evil one. He prays for their sanctification, their setting apart. They are to be in the world but not of the world.

We, as followers of Christ, are called to the same sanctification. We are set apart, not for our own gratification or pride, but to be vessels of God's goodness and mercy. We are sanctified to be carriers of God's presence, to witness His glory, and to spread His gospel to the world.

In the process of sanctification, our habits, behaviors, and attitudes undergo a profound transformation. Just as 1 Corinthians 6:11 affirms, we are washed, sanctified, and justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God. It is a process of becoming more like God and less like the world.

However, sanctification does not promise an easy journey. The forces of darkness aim to control, manipulate, and instill fear. Nevertheless, the power of Jesus and the sanctification He brings deliver us from such darkness, moving us into the Kingdom of His dear Son.

A parallel can be drawn from the story of Elijah and Jezebel. The power of darkness, represented by Jezebel, tried to eliminate the prophets of Yahweh. However, Elijah, being set apart and operating in the boldness and authority of God, defeated the prophets of Baal, proving the supremacy of the true and living God.

Similarly, in our modern world, we face various 'Jezebel spirits' – forces that try to replace God, manipulative forces that try to skew our understanding of right and wrong. But with God's word and His spirit, we can discern and withstand these forces. We are not to be of the world, even while we live in it.

In conclusion, being sanctified or set apart is at the heart of our Christian calling. It is a process of transformation, a journey towards becoming more like God. As we embrace this process, we become powerful witnesses of God's mercy and glory, armed with the authority to combat forces of darkness.

As followers of Christ, let us walk in the assurance of our sanctification and the confidence of being set apart. For as Romans 8:31 declares, "If God is for us, who can be against us?"

In His Service,

Laborers' 4 Christ Church

For a more comprehensive understanding, we invite you to watch our sermon "Sanctified in Thy Truth: SET APART” on YouTube. The link is provided below. We hope this message uplifts your spirit and strengthens your faith.

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