Our True Identity as Children of God

Embracing Our True Identity as Children of God

In a world where people often find their worth in job titles, social statuses, and material possessions, there's a message that takes us back to the essence of who we are—Children of God. This transformative idea was the cornerstone of Sunday’s compelling sermon at Laborers for Christ Church. While the original sermon was deeply touching, covering a wide array of points, here is a summarization broken down into the most poignant insights.

You Are Not What the World Labels You

We often define ourselves by our occupations, our past mistakes, or our accomplishments. Yet, in the eyes of God, you are first and foremost a Child of God. This divine relationship transcends all earthly labels.

Love of God Separates Us

One of the strongest messages conveyed in the sermon was that our love for God is what truly defines us as His children. To be a believer is not merely about receiving God’s love, but it is also about loving Him in return. This love sets us apart from worldly things, elevating our spiritual status.

Fear Holds Us Back

Fear can be a stumbling block, deterring us from living a life in tune with our divine identity. The sermon emphasized that fear is one of the major reasons we lose sight of who we really are. Shedding this fear allows us to move in faith and aligns us more closely with God's purpose for our lives.

Look in the Spiritual Mirror

To understand our true identity as children of God, the sermon advocates for a 'spiritual mirror exercise.' The Bible serves as this mirror, helping us to reflect on our actions, thoughts, and words, enabling us to align them with the teachings and principles of God.

Responsibility of Being God’s Child

Being a child of God comes with responsibilities. Just like the GPS directs you, the word of God should be our guide. We have the responsibility to live according to His ways, serving not just Him but also those around us.


Understanding our identity as children of God is not just uplifting but transformative. It reorients our values, goals, and our entire way of living. Such understanding liberates us from worldly chains and enables us to walk confidently in our divine purpose.

As children of God, we are empowered to overcome fears, reject worldly labels, and embrace a life enriched with love for God. In these turbulent times, what could be more grounding than knowing exactly who you are—a beloved Child of God?

If you missed this enlightening sermon or wish to explore more, we invite you to watch the full service below or connect with our community for further resources.

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