Declaring the Glory of God

This Sunday, we heard a moving sermon on "Declaring the Glory of God" at Laborers for Christ Church. The message was anchored in Psalm 19 and aimed to encourage us to recognize and live out our purpose in glorifying God. For those who missed it, or for anyone interested in diving deeper into the topic, here’s a summary along with some takeaways.

All of Creation Obeys and Declares God’s Glory

The sermon began by pointing out that the heavens and the earth are in a constant state of declaring the glory of God. From the sun rising and setting to trees shedding leaves in autumn, everything in nature operates in obedience to God's laws.

Humans Are the Exception

Interestingly, humans are the only creation that struggles with obeying God. While everything from the oceans to the trees follows God's natural laws seamlessly, humans have a free will that often leads them away from obedience and therefore from declaring God’s glory.

The Peril of Presumptuous Sins

The sermon then shifted to discuss the concept of "presumptuous sins"—those sins we commit because we presume to know better or ignore God’s laws. Using King Saul and Naaman as biblical examples, Pastor James illustrated the consequences of presumptuousness and disobedience, emphasizing the importance of humility and surrender to God's will.

Obedience is Better Than Sacrifice

A powerful argument was made for the importance of obeying God's commandments as a form of declaring His glory. Drawing from the Bible, it was asserted that obedience to God’s laws cleanses us, making sacrificial offerings unnecessary.

God's Glory in Our Lives

The sermon concluded by urging us to see ourselves as God's greatest work—capable of declaring His glory through our lives. It reinforced the idea that we are on a "mission" to glorify God and that our words, actions, and even thoughts should align with this mission.


Be Mindful: Recognize that we are part of God's creation, designed to declare His glory.

Be Obedient: Follow God’s commandments to truly glorify Him. It’s better than any sacrifice we could offer.

Avoid Presumptuousness: Don't assume to know God’s will. Instead, seek it through prayer and meditation on His word.

Empower Others: Your life is not just about you; it's a testament to God’s glory. Live in a way that empowers others to see God’s glory through you.

Keep the Mission in Mind: Remember that we are on a divine mission to declare God’s glory. Our lives are most fulfilling when aligned with this purpose.


The sermon served as a powerful reminder that we exist to declare the glory of God. Let's take these lessons to heart and live a life that's in harmony with this grand purpose.

If you missed this enlightening sermon or wish to explore more, we invite you to watch the full service below or connect with our community for further resources.

Looking for a vibrant, community-centered church in Valley Stream, NY? Laborers for Christ Church welcomes all to our faith-filled community. From enriching sermons and interactive Bible studies to Sunday worship and community outreach programs, we're here to walk with you on your spiritual journey. Discover a spiritual home with us as we strive to be a beacon of love, faith, and community. Whether you're new to faith or a lifelong believer, join us at Laborers for Christ Church and strengthen your relationship with God.