His Blood… Our Freedom

Happy Passover Church, in today's message "His Blood, our Freedom," Pastor Verdi taught that Jesus is our perfect, spotless lamb. In the sermon you will discover how the Passover feast is a foreshadow of Jesus, cruxifixction and death that was sent to cover the sins of the world. Praise be to God for His perfect plan. Please review the message and reread the scriptures in Exodus chapter 12 verses 1-15 to celebrate the spotless Lamb of The Passover.

As Pastor Verdi, mentioned, it's important that we pray for one another so if someone crosses your mind for whatever reason, lift them up before the throne because we don't know what they may be dealing with at the time. God may be quickening you to pray and intercede on their behalf. The Word states we are to Pray without ceasing.

We will begin chapter 11 of the book of Luke in our Wednesday night Bible Study. We hope to see you on Wednesday at 7pm. Have a blessed week church. We love you! ❤️