Is Christ divided?

Greetings Church, Thank The Lord for our church family and our unity and fellowship in Christ Jesus. We are called to be in one accord as the body of Christ. We are not to be divided or separate in our beliefs and lifestyles for Christ is not divided.

Let us continue to seek and pray for The Holy Spirit to lead and guide us in our walk with The Lord, reminding us to love God first then have love for one another.

Today's scriptures were 1 Corinthians 1:11-13; Ephesians 4:1-6; Amos 3:3; Matthew 12:25; John 17:20; Psalm 133:1 and Ezra 3:1. Please review the message and the scriptures.

We are very excited to restart Bible study this Wednesday 6/17 @7p at the church. We hope you can make it. Please share with others that they are welcome to join us.

Again we thank God for each of you and please know you are all a vital part of our church body and we are blessed to be in service to The Lord with each of you. Have a safe a blessed week Church! ❤️