Prayer… and its power to change

Praise The Lord Church, what a Wonderful friend we have in Jesus! All our sins He bear. Christ was our example of how to pray for The Father’s will and way to be done in and through our lives even when the task ahead isn’t easy and we may want to go another way. As we continue in prayer to The Father, He changes our hearts and strengthens us to go through our trials. We will be made new and He will receive the glory and honor due fit to God for always working things out for our good. For His ways are higher and greater than ours. Pray, pray, pray without ceasing for an effective fervent prayer of the righteous reveals much and our ways will eventually line up with Gods ways as we seek Him in prayer in all things. We want God, The Father to hear and receive our prayers, don’t we church? Glory be unto God.

Bible Study will go forth on Wednesday at 7pm. We are currently studying the book of Luke. We pray you can make it and share with the group what The Holy Spirit is revealing to you. We love you church. Happy Valentines Day! ❤️