Counting The Cost

God Bless you Church, Today's message is titled "Counting the Cost". Pastor Verdi reviewed scriptures in the book of Luke at the 14 verses 25 through 33, Explaining if we are to follow Christ we must first count the cost of what it means to be a disciple of Christ. Your life should reflect who is Lord of your life and which side you are on.

Our prayers are being honored so please continue to lift one another up in prayer for God’s very best in all of our lives. Thank you for your faithfulness in giving and being a blessing to the ministry.

Bible study continues in the book of Luke, we are now reading through chapter 12. We hope to see you on Wednesday at 7 PM. Pastor Verdi is asking you to come to Bible study not only to partake in the word but it's also a great time of fellowship and getting to know your brothers and sisters in Christ in a deeper way. Have a blessed week we love you.