Speak To The Rock

Blessings beloved, hope you are enjoying your day. We had a great Word in The Lord today and experienced a deep intimacy in our prayer. I pray you were equally encouraged and convicted by The Holy Spirit. The message was to "Speak to the Rock" We must listen intently and follow Lord's command with obedience Remaining spirit lead so that we may fight the good fight of faith when we are pressed with frustration and anxiety from the world. It is our obedience that leads us into the promise land. Let us be mindful to hear and remember to love is to obey. It is not a burden and we do not want to sacrifice Or lose the blessings and fulfillment of promises that we have in Christ. Don't hit the Rock (reacting and responding in the flesh) but speak to the Rock .. speak to Jesus and trust in the Lord with all your heart! Allow the living water to flow! Please keep each other in prayer this week. Have a blessed weekend be strong in the Lord and the strength of his might. We love you all in the mighty name of Jesus.