Do Not Grieve The Spirit

Good Evening Church, Praise The Lord for the blessed service today. We worshipped The Lord as a body and were encouraged through the message to live a life that honors the presence of The Holy Spirit in us and "Does not grieve The Holy Spirit” by sinful acts of the flesh. Although we will face difficulties and temptations in this life, we are victorious in and though Christ. Remember to call on The Helper when you face trials and He will meet you right where you are.

As a reminder, we will have our first food outreach next Sunday 10/25/2020 2pm-4pm. We are very excited and pray we will have a good turn out.

Thank you for all your faithfulness in giving ; we are very grateful for your support. We will have Bible Study on Wednesday at 7pm, we hope to see you there. Have a blessed week church, we love you. ❤️