What Path We’re On

Praise The Lord, God Almighty for what He is doing in the midst of our ministry. We are learning and growing as a church and we are very grateful to witness the change in the lives of the people of Laborers 4 Christ. If you aren't able to attend in person, you can watch the live stream on Facebook and Instagram every Sunday around 11:30am. We don't want you to miss out as you are a special part of this ministry.

Today's message encouraged us to reflect on "What path we're on.” Jesus said narrow is the gate and difficult is the way that leads to life and broad is the road to destruction. Scripture concentration was Matthew 7: 13-20.

We continue to be a blessing to the community and more are coming out to receive from the outreach. Thank you so much for all who are pitching in and helping. We have changed the end date to be December 6th so please keep that in mind as well.

We are also being blessed during weekly Bible Study on Wednesdays @7pm. We share as a group on the revelation knowledge from the Holy Spirit. Please make an effort to attend, you will be blessed and be a blessing to the gathering. Thank you for your faithfulness with giving to the ministry. We pray you have a blessed week. Please keep us all in your prayers. ❤️