Go In Peace

In the fast-paced and often chaotic world we live in, finding peace can sometimes feel like an elusive dream. Yet, Sunday’s message titled "Go In Peace" reminds us that peace is not just a distant aspiration; it's a gift from God that we can embrace in our lives. In this blog post, we'll delve into the key takeaways from this inspiring message and explore how we can invite God's peace into our daily existence.

1. The Power of Worship

The message begins by highlighting the significance of worship. It reminds us that we are all places of worship where God is exalted and Jesus is lifted high. Worship is not confined to the walls of a church; it's a way of life. When we approach life with a heart of worship, we create a space for God's presence and peace to dwell.

2. Trusting in God's Promises

Isaiah 26:3-4 serves as a pillar of the message, emphasizing the promise of perfect peace for those whose minds are steadfastly fixed on God. Trusting in the Lord forever is the key to tapping into this everlasting strength. In our turbulent lives, this verse reminds us that true peace comes from trusting in God's unwavering faithfulness.

3. The Story of the Woman with the Issue of Blood

The heart of the message lies in the story of the woman with the issue of blood. Her condition had isolated her from society for twelve long years. Many of us can relate to the idea of feeling isolated by our circumstances, be it shame, guilt, or other burdens. However, her faith led her to reach out to Jesus, the source of healing and peace.

4. The Radical Faith and Persistence

This woman's faith was radical and persistent. She believed not only that Jesus was coming but also in who He was. Her determination to touch Jesus' garment revealed her unwavering faith. It serves as a powerful reminder that we, too, must seek God with radical faith and persistence if we want to experience His peace.

5. Making Room for Jesus and His Peace

The message challenges us to consider what we make room for in our lives. Do we make room for things that are fleeting, like self-pity, addiction, or negative influences? Or do we intentionally make room for the peace of God that surpasses all understanding? Making room for Jesus is the key to lasting peace and fulfillment.


As we reflect on the message titled "Go In Peace," we are reminded that peace is not just a state of mind but a divine gift that God offers to His children. Embracing peace requires trust in God's promises, radical faith, and making room for Him in our lives. So, let's take this message to heart, choosing to go into peace, carrying God's peace with us wherever we go, and allowing it to sustain us in all circumstances.