Ready Yourselves

Blessings Church Family, today's service was wonderful encouraging us to "Be Ready" as we are waiting on the return of The Lord. Just as a bride makes herself ready in her bridal chambers, so are we to be making ourselves ready with excitement as we are preparing for our "Bridegroom" Jesus's 2nd coming, be ready now.

Protect yourselves by putting on the full amor of God so you are not fooled by the enemy who is walking to and fro on the earth and wants to devour us. Line yourself up with the Word of God and know that The Lord has already defeated the enemy. Glory be to God for giving us the victory through Christ Jesus.

Thank you to all who are giving of your time and resources for the food pantry. Every bit counts and is appreciated. Thank you for your giving. We will meet for Bible Study on Wednesday at 7pm. Have a blessed week church, we love you ❤️