Pentecost… Receiving the Spirit

Happy blessed day of Pentecost! Hope you were blessed and believing for the baptism of The Holy Spirit so that you may operate in the power of the gifts of Spirit.

John 16:12 ,13 Jesus said to the disciples, "I still have so many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. However, when the Spirit of truth has come, He will guide you into all truth. There's so much God wants to say to us, so much He wants to reveal to us through His Word.. but we need The Holy Spirit to reveal, guide and teach us.

Let's remember to seek His presence and allow room for Him to give us unctuous, visions and instructions. I encourage you to pray diligently and hear from The Spirit in your secret place. John 8:31 1 cor. 2:10 -14 John 14 :15-17 Matt 3:10 Acts 1:8 Eph. 1 :13,14

We pray that Our God blesses and keeps you through this week. We are hoping re-launch a mid week bible study very soon. We love you all in the mighty Name of Jesus.