Maladjusted: Do Not Be Conformed

Praise The Lord church! We had a wonderful service today worshiping The Lord and honoring a great man of the faith. Relinquishing ones’ pulpit to another speaker is not something that a pastor takes lightly. Pastors, typically select speakers who are like minded and have the same heart for the people of God. It takes a lot of trust and direction from God when choosing a guest speaker.

Today, Pastor James gave honor to the late great Martin Luther King Jr. by streaming a pre-recorded message preached by MLK about not conforming to this world. Martin Luther King Jr. referenced to the apostle Paul speaking to the church of the Corinthians and MLK in turn spoke to the American Christian church. He stated that we should not be divided as a body of Christ by man made denominations of believers and we should not conform to this worlds systems. Pastor James closed out the message by Reiterating the term maladjusted that MLK referred to several times in his message.

Pastor James explained the meaning of the word Maladjusted and taught how we are to go against what the world is trying to make us conform to in today’s times. He further explained, We are people of God and our kingdom is upside down compared to this world’s ways. Please review the message in it’s entirety to get scripture references and share as you see fit with your family, friends and loved ones for it was a wonderful blessing.

Bible study continues on Wednesday night at 7pm. We will be finishing up the book of John and move on to our next study next Wednesday. We hope you can join us. Have a blessed week church ! We love you! ❤️