Nothing In this World

Good evening Church, thank you for coming out today to worship and honor our Lord and Savior. We were blessed with a powerful, encouraging word today to not fear but to move in wisdom knowing nothing in this world can separate us from the Love of Jesus. Church no weapon formed against us shall prosper, we will be conquerors according to the scriptures and shall be saved! We are to let God in and not look to be taken out of the fiery place... Please refer to Romans 8:28-31 & 37 ; John 17:15 ; Dan. Chapter 3.

Please be safe out there this upcoming week and be mindful of your health and safety. Please keep all in prayer and ask God to help us during this time. We don't want to operate in fear, we need God to show us the right things to do to honor him and one another. We love you all and are grateful to have you as part of our church. Be blessed ❤️