Loving, Trusting, and Obeying GOD

Bless The Lord Church, please subscribe and share with your circle to spread the gospel. The message referenced book of 2 Samuel. Saul did not obey the directions from God as he was instructed from the prophet Samuel. Saul and his army chose to obey what was good in their own sight to please themselves. Because of Saul and his army's disobedience, Saul lost his place as king and his army was defeated. We can hinder the blessings in our lives by not trusting in God’s Word completely. When we follow exactly what God instructs us and not take short cuts to please ourselves, we will see the glory of the Lord. Be patient and do not lose hope. Trust in God! The breakthrough is coming. Obey The Lord! We are being blessed to receive generous offerings and we are believing God is providing for a move to a new location or to completely take over where we are.

Thank you for your giving. We will have regular Bible Study on Wednesday at 7pm. We hope you will come out to study the scriptures with us. Enjoy your week church. Be blessed ❤️