Blessed Are The Meek

Blessings.. be strong in the Lord and strength of His might!

We must be aware and reminded that Jesus said it is impossible that offenses should not come , but woe to him whom through they come (Luke 17:1)

These stumbling blocks and triggers are meant to trip us up and cause us to fall , that is why we must be ready to rebuke, confront and forgive. We are overcomers by our faith in God! The tests... if not already.. are coming for us. Let's keep each other in prayer and encouraged to know who we are.. sons (His little ones) of The Most High!

Rom. 12:21

Do not be overcome with evil, but overcome evil with what is good. Remember, you have patience, kindness, goodness, MEEKNESS, self control, love, peace, joy and long suffering .

May God bless you and keep through the rest of the week. We love you in Jesus mighty name!!!

Laborers 4 Christ

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